Source code for dataloader.element_set

.. module:: element_set
    :synopsis: data loader for element set 
.. moduleauthor:: Jiaming Shen
import torch
import math
import numpy as np
import random

[docs]class ElementSet(object): """ Dataset Object :param name: dataset name :type name: str :param data_format: dataset format, either "set" or "sip" :type data_format: str :param options: dataset parameters, including two dicts mapping element to element index :type options: dict :param raw_data_strings: a list of strings representing an element set. - If data_format is "set", each string is of format "c0 {'d93', 'd377', 'd141', 'd63', 'd166'}". - If data_format is "sip", each string is of format "{'d93', 'd377'} d141 0". :type raw_data_strings: list """ def __init__(self, name, data_format, options, raw_data_strings=None): = name self.data_format = data_format self.index2word = options["index2word"] self.word2index = options["word2index"] self.device = options["device"] self.vocab = [] # this vocab will contain only instances that appear in the above positive_set at least once self.max_set_size = -1 # the max_set_size in this dataset self.min_set_size = 1e8 # the min_set_size in this dataset self.avg_set_size = -1 # the avg_set_size in this dataset # a list of element sets self.positive_sets = [] # a list of <set, instance> pairs self.sip_triplets = [] self.pos_sip_cnt = -1 self.neg_sip_cnt = -1 # used to generate a collection of <set, instance> pair for evaluation in advance. self.NEG_SAMPLE_RATIO = 10 # for each positive (set, instance) pair, generate at most 10 negative pairs self.MAX_POS_SUB_SET_CNT = 500 # for each full set, generate at most 500 positive (set, instance) pairs if self.data_format == "set": self._initialize_set_format(raw_data_strings) elif self.data_format == "sip": self._initialize_sip_format(raw_data_strings) # for test set, generate sip triplets for evaluation of set-instance prediction, the negative sampling strategy, # negative sample size, and max set size are all prefixed if "test" in and self.data_format == "set": self.sip_triplets, self.pos_sip_cnt, self.neg_sip_cnt = self._convert_set_format_to_sip_format( raw_sets=self.positive_sets, pos_strategy="vary_size_enumerate_with_full_set", neg_strategy="complete-random", neg_sample_size=10, max_set_size=50) def __repr__(self): return "<ElementSet {} (data_format = {}, vocab_size = {}, number of sets = {}, " \ "max_set_size = {}, min_set_size = {}, avg_set_size = {}, number of set-instance pairs = {}, " \ "positive pairs = {}, negative pairs = {})>".format(, self.data_format, len(self.vocab), len(self.positive_sets), self.max_set_size, self.min_set_size, self.avg_set_size, len(self.sip_triplets),self.pos_sip_cnt, self.neg_sip_cnt) def __len__(self): if self.data_format == "set": return len(self.positive_sets) elif self.data_format == "sip": return len(self.sip_triplets)
[docs] def _initialize_set_format(self, raw_set_strings): """Initialize dataset from a collection of strings representing element sets :param raw_set_strings: a list of strings representing element sets :type raw_set_strings: list :return: None :rtype: None """ set_size_sum = 0 # used to calculate self.avg_set_size for line in raw_set_strings: line = line.strip() eid, cls = line.split(" ", 1) cls = sorted(list(eval(cls))) # sorting for reproducibility self.max_set_size = max(self.max_set_size, len(cls)) self.min_set_size = min(self.min_set_size, len(cls)) set_size_sum += len(cls) self.positive_sets.append(sorted([self.word2index[ele] for ele in cls])) # sorting for reproducibility self.vocab.extend([self.word2index[ele] for ele in cls]) self.avg_set_size = 1.0 * set_size_sum / len(self.positive_sets) self.vocab = sorted(list(set(self.vocab))) # sorting for reproducibility
[docs] def _initialize_sip_format(self, raw_set_instance_strings): """ Initialize dataset from a collection of strings representing <set, instance> pairs :param raw_set_instance_strings: a list of strings representing <set instance> pairs :type raw_set_instance_strings: list :return: None :rtype: None """ for line in raw_set_instance_strings: line = line.strip() segs = line.split(" ") label = int(segs[-1]) instance = self.word2index[segs[-2]] subset = sorted(list([self.word2index[ele] for ele in eval(" ".join(segs[:-2]))])) # sorting for reproducibility self.sip_triplets.append((subset, instance, label)) if label == 1: self.pos_sip_cnt += 1 else: self.neg_sip_cnt += 1 self.vocab.extend(subset) self.max_set_size = max(self.max_set_size, len(subset)+1) self.vocab = sorted(list(set(self.vocab))) # sorting for reproducibility
[docs] def get_train_batch(self, max_set_size=100, pos_sample_method="sample_size_random_set", neg_sample_size=1, neg_sample_method="complete_random", batch_size=32): """ Generate one training batch of <set, instance> pairs :param max_set_size: maximum size of set S :type max_set_size: int :param pos_sample_method: name of positive sampling method :type pos_sample_method: str :param neg_sample_size: number of negative samples for each set :type neg_sample_size: int :param neg_sample_method: name of negative sampling method :type neg_sample_method: str :param batch_size: number of **sets** in one batch :type batch_size: int :return: a training batch containing "batch_size * (1+neg_sample_size)" <set, instance> pairs :rtype: dict """ if self.data_format == "set": raw_sets = [] for raw_set in self.positive_sets: raw_sets.append(raw_set) if len(raw_sets) % batch_size == 0: sip_triplets = self._convert_set_format_to_sip_format(raw_sets=raw_sets, pos_strategy=pos_sample_method, neg_strategy=neg_sample_method, neg_sample_size=neg_sample_size, max_set_size=max_set_size) batch_set = [] batch_inst = [] labels = [] for sip_triplet in sip_triplets: batch_set.append(sip_triplet[0]) batch_inst.append(sip_triplet[1]) labels.append(sip_triplet[2]) batch = self._convert_sip_format_to_tensor(max_set_size, batch_set, batch_inst, labels) yield batch raw_sets = [] # yield the last batch if len(raw_sets) != 0: sip_triplets = self._convert_set_format_to_sip_format(raw_sets=raw_sets, pos_strategy=pos_sample_method, neg_strategy=neg_sample_method, neg_sample_size=neg_sample_size, max_set_size=max_set_size) batch_set = [] batch_inst = [] labels = [] for sip_triplet in sip_triplets: batch_set.append(sip_triplet[0]) batch_inst.append(sip_triplet[1]) labels.append(sip_triplet[2]) batch = self._convert_sip_format_to_tensor(max_set_size, batch_set, batch_inst, labels) yield batch elif self.data_format == "sip": batch_set = [] batch_inst = [] labels = [] for sip_triplet in self.sip_triplets: batch_set.append(sip_triplet[0]) batch_inst.append(sip_triplet[1]) labels.append(sip_triplet[2]) if len(batch_set) % (batch_size * (1+neg_sample_size)) == 0: batch = self._convert_sip_format_to_tensor(max_set_size, batch_set, batch_inst, labels) yield batch batch_set = [] batch_inst = [] labels = [] if len(batch_set) != 0: batch = self._convert_sip_format_to_tensor(max_set_size, batch_set, batch_inst, labels) yield batch
[docs] def get_test_batch(self, max_set_size=5, batch_size=32): """ Generate one testing batch of <set, instance> pairs :param max_set_size: maximum size of set S :type max_set_size: int :param batch_size: number of **<set, instance> pairs** in one batch :type batch_size: int :return: a testing batch containing "batch_size" <set, instance> pairs :rtype: dict """ batch_set = [] batch_inst = [] labels = [] for idx, batch in enumerate(self.sip_triplets): batch_set.append(batch[0]) batch_inst.append(batch[1]) labels.append(batch[2]) # convert to tensor, yield a batch, clean buffer if (idx+1) % batch_size == 0: res = self._convert_sip_format_to_tensor(max_set_size, batch_set, batch_inst, labels) yield res batch_set = [] batch_inst = [] labels = [] # yield the last batch if (idx + 1) != len(self.sip_triplets): res = self._convert_sip_format_to_tensor(max_set_size, batch_set, batch_inst, labels) yield res
[docs] def _shuffle(self): """ Shuffle dataset :return: None :rtype: None """ if self.data_format == "set": random.shuffle(self.positive_sets) elif self.data_format == "sip": random.shuffle(self.sip_triplets)
[docs] def _convert_set_format_to_sip_format(self, raw_sets, pos_strategy, neg_strategy, neg_sample_size=10, subset_size=5, max_set_size=50): """ Generate <set, instance> pairs (sip) from a collection of sets :param raw_sets: a list of sets :type raw_sets: list :param pos_strategy: name of positive sampling method :type pos_strategy: str :param neg_strategy: name of negative sampling method :type neg_strategy: str :param neg_sample_size: negative sampling ratio :type neg_sample_size: int :param subset_size: size of "set" in <set, instance> pairs, used only in "fix_size_repeat_set" pos_strategy :type subset_size: int :param max_set_size: maximum size of "set" in <set, instance> pairs, used only in "vary_size_enumerate" pos_strategy :type max_set_size: int :return: len(raw_sets) * (1 + neg_sample_size) sips, among which len(raw_sets) sips are positive and len(raw_sets) * neg_sample_size sips are negative :rtype: list Notes: - if pos_strategy is "sample_size_repeat_set", for each original set, we sample the size of "set" in sip, repeat this generated set neg_sample_size times, and pair them with each negative instance. This is the strategy to original AAAI submission. - if pos_strategy is "sample_size_random_set", for each original set, we sample one size of "set" in sip, and generate one set for each negative instance. - if pos_strategy is "fix_size_repeat_set", for each original set, we use pre-determined subset size to generate one "set" in sip, repeat this generated set neg_sample_size times, and pair them with each negative instance. This is the one used in cold-start training. - if pos_strategy is "vary_size_enumerate", for each original set and for each subset size less than max_set_size, we enumerate the original set and generate all possible sips. This is the one used for converting test_set in "set" format to "sip" format. - if pos_strategy is "vary_size_enumerate_with_full_set", it's basically same as the "vary_size_enumerate" strategy, except that it will also generate full set with only negative instances - if pos_strategy is "vary_size_enumerate_with_full_set_plus_group_id", it's basically same as the "vary_size_enumerate_with_full_set" strategy, expect that it will also return the group id of each sip the group id is this sip's corresponding raw set index - if pos_strategy is "enumerate", this is the one used for pre-generating sip triplets """ if pos_strategy == "sample_size_repeat_set": batch_set = [] batch_pos = [] batch_fullset = [] # used to generate negative samples for raw_set in raw_sets: if len(raw_set) == 1: batch_set.append(raw_set) batch_pos.append(raw_set[0]) batch_fullset.append(raw_set) continue raw_set_new = raw_set.copy() random.shuffle(raw_set_new) batch_fullset.append(raw_set_new) subset_size = random.randint(1, len(raw_set_new) - 1) subset = raw_set_new[:subset_size] pos_inst = raw_set_new[subset_size] batch_set.append(subset) batch_pos.append(pos_inst) # Randomly generate negative instances batch_neg = self._generate_negative_samples_within_pool(batch_fullset, neg_sample_size, remove_pos=True) # Convert to sip formats, notice here the subset is repeated (1+neg_sample_size) times sip_triplets = [] for idx, subset in enumerate(batch_set): sip_triplets.append((subset, batch_pos[idx], 1)) for neg_inst in batch_neg[idx]: sip_triplets.append((subset, neg_inst, 0)) return sip_triplets elif pos_strategy == "sample_size_random_set": batch_neg = self._generate_negative_samples_within_pool(raw_sets, neg_sample_size, remove_pos=True) # print("neg_sample_size: {}".format(neg_sample_size)) # print("batch_neg:", batch_neg) batch_set = [] batch_pos = [] for raw_set in raw_sets: if len(raw_set) == 1: batch_set.append([raw_set for _ in range(neg_sample_size+1)]) batch_pos.append(raw_set[0]) continue k_set = [] raw_set_new = raw_set.copy() random.shuffle(raw_set_new) subset_size_range = min(len(raw_set_new), max_set_size) subset_size = random.randint(1, subset_size_range - 1) pos_inst = raw_set_new[0] start_idx = 1 # treat the first element as positive instance and skip it while len(k_set) != (1+neg_sample_size): if start_idx + subset_size > len(raw_set_new): # consume current pass, resample subset size random.shuffle(raw_set_new) subset_size = random.randint(1, subset_size_range - 1) start_idx = 0 k_set.append(raw_set_new[start_idx: start_idx+subset_size]) start_idx += subset_size batch_set.append(k_set) batch_pos.append(pos_inst) # Convert to sip formats, notice here the subset is repeated (1+neg_sample_size) times sip_triplets = [] for idx, subset_list in enumerate(batch_set): for idy, subset in enumerate(subset_list): if idy == 0: sip_triplets.append((subset, batch_pos[idx], 1)) else: # print("idx: {}, idy:{}".format(idx, idy)) sip_triplets.append((subset, batch_neg[idx][idy-1], 0)) return sip_triplets elif pos_strategy == "fix_size_repeat_set": batch_set = [] batch_pos = [] batch_fullset = [] # used to generate negative samples for raw_set in raw_sets: if len(raw_set) < subset_size+1: # if we cannot sample a sip in which the "set" is of size subset_size if len(raw_set) == 1: batch_set.append(raw_set) batch_pos.append(raw_set[0]) batch_fullset.append(raw_set) else: raw_set_new = raw_set.copy() random.shuffle(raw_set_new) batch_set.append(raw_set[1:]) # select maximum size of subset_size batch_pos.append(raw_set[0]) batch_fullset.append(raw_set) continue raw_set_new = raw_set.copy() random.shuffle(raw_set_new) batch_fullset.append(raw_set_new) # use given subset_size to generate sips subset = raw_set_new[:subset_size] pos_inst = raw_set_new[subset_size] batch_set.append(subset) batch_pos.append(pos_inst) # Randomly generate negative instances batch_neg = self._generate_negative_samples_within_pool(batch_fullset, neg_sample_size, remove_pos=True) # Convert to sip formats, notice here the subset is repeated (1+neg_sample_size) times sip_triplets = [] for idx, subset in enumerate(batch_set): sip_triplets.append((subset, batch_pos[idx], 1)) for neg_inst in batch_neg[idx]: sip_triplets.append((subset, neg_inst, 0)) return sip_triplets elif pos_strategy == "vary_size_enumerate": sip_triplets = [] pos_sip_cnt_sum = 0 neg_sip_cnt_sum = 0 for subset_size in range(1, max_set_size+1): for raw_set in raw_sets: if len(raw_set) < subset_size + 1: continue raw_set_new = raw_set.copy() random.shuffle(raw_set_new) batch_set = [] batch_pos = [] for _ in range(neg_sample_size+1): for start_idx in range(0, len(raw_set_new)-subset_size, subset_size+1): subset = raw_set_new[start_idx:start_idx+subset_size] pos_inst = raw_set_new[start_idx+subset_size] batch_set.append(subset) batch_pos.append(pos_inst) random.shuffle(raw_set_new) pos_sip_cnt = int(len(batch_set) / (neg_sample_size+1)) pos_sip_cnt_sum += pos_sip_cnt neg_sip_cnt = int(pos_sip_cnt * neg_sample_size) neg_sip_cnt_sum += neg_sip_cnt negative_pool = [ele for ele in self.vocab if ele not in raw_set] sample_size = math.gcd(neg_sip_cnt, len(negative_pool)) sample_times = int(neg_sip_cnt / sample_size) batch_neg = [] for _ in range(sample_times): batch_neg.extend(random.sample(negative_pool, sample_size)) for idx, subset in enumerate(batch_set): if idx < pos_sip_cnt: pos = batch_pos[idx] sip_triplets.append((subset, pos, 1)) else: neg = batch_neg[idx-pos_sip_cnt] sip_triplets.append((subset, neg, 0)) return sip_triplets, pos_sip_cnt_sum, neg_sip_cnt_sum elif pos_strategy == "vary_size_enumerate_with_full_set": sip_triplets = [] pos_sip_cnt_sum = 0 neg_sip_cnt_sum = 0 for subset_size in range(1, max_set_size+1): for raw_set in raw_sets: if len(raw_set) < subset_size: continue raw_set_new = raw_set.copy() random.shuffle(raw_set_new) batch_set = [] batch_pos = [] if len(raw_set) == subset_size: # put the entire full set for _ in range(neg_sample_size+1): batch_set.append(raw_set) batch_pos.append(random.choice(raw_set)) else: for _ in range(neg_sample_size+1): for start_idx in range(0, len(raw_set_new)-subset_size, subset_size+1): subset = raw_set_new[start_idx:start_idx+subset_size] pos_inst = raw_set_new[start_idx+subset_size] batch_set.append(subset) batch_pos.append(pos_inst) random.shuffle(raw_set_new) pos_sip_cnt = int(len(batch_set) / (neg_sample_size+1)) pos_sip_cnt_sum += pos_sip_cnt neg_sip_cnt = int(pos_sip_cnt * neg_sample_size) neg_sip_cnt_sum += neg_sip_cnt negative_pool = [ele for ele in self.vocab if ele not in raw_set] sample_size = math.gcd(neg_sip_cnt, len(negative_pool)) sample_times = int(neg_sip_cnt / sample_size) batch_neg = [] for _ in range(sample_times): batch_neg.extend(random.sample(negative_pool, sample_size)) for idx, subset in enumerate(batch_set): if idx < pos_sip_cnt: pos = batch_pos[idx] sip_triplets.append((subset, pos, 1)) else: neg = batch_neg[idx-pos_sip_cnt] sip_triplets.append((subset, neg, 0)) return sip_triplets, pos_sip_cnt_sum, neg_sip_cnt_sum elif pos_strategy == "vary_size_enumerate_with_full_set_plus_group_id": sip_triplets = [] pos_sip_cnt_sum = 0 neg_sip_cnt_sum = 0 groups = [] for subset_size in range(1, max_set_size+1): for group_id, raw_set in enumerate(raw_sets): if len(raw_set) < subset_size: continue raw_set_new = raw_set.copy() random.shuffle(raw_set_new) batch_set = [] batch_pos = [] if len(raw_set) == subset_size: # put the entire full set for _ in range(neg_sample_size+1): batch_set.append(raw_set) batch_pos.append(random.choice(raw_set)) else: for _ in range(neg_sample_size+1): for start_idx in range(0, len(raw_set_new)-subset_size, subset_size+1): subset = raw_set_new[start_idx:start_idx+subset_size] pos_inst = raw_set_new[start_idx+subset_size] batch_set.append(subset) batch_pos.append(pos_inst) random.shuffle(raw_set_new) pos_sip_cnt = int(len(batch_set) / (neg_sample_size+1)) pos_sip_cnt_sum += pos_sip_cnt neg_sip_cnt = int(pos_sip_cnt * neg_sample_size) neg_sip_cnt_sum += neg_sip_cnt negative_pool = [ele for ele in self.vocab if ele not in raw_set] sample_size = math.gcd(neg_sip_cnt, len(negative_pool)) sample_times = int(neg_sip_cnt / sample_size) batch_neg = [] for _ in range(sample_times): batch_neg.extend(random.sample(negative_pool, sample_size)) for idx, subset in enumerate(batch_set): if idx < pos_sip_cnt: pos = batch_pos[idx] sip_triplets.append((subset, pos, 1)) groups.append(group_id) else: neg = batch_neg[idx-pos_sip_cnt] sip_triplets.append((subset, neg, 0)) groups.append(group_id) return sip_triplets, pos_sip_cnt_sum, neg_sip_cnt_sum, groups elif pos_strategy == "enumerate": sip_triplets = [] pos_sip_cnt_sum = 0 neg_sip_cnt_sum = 0 for r in range(1, max_set_size + 1): for positive_full_set in raw_sets: if len(positive_full_set) < r + 1: # unable to sample a set of size r continue negative_pool = [ele for ele in self.vocab if ele not in positive_full_set] subsets = [] # cache subsets pos_insts = [] # cache positive instance for _ in range(neg_sample_size + 1): for start_idx in range(0, len(positive_full_set) - r, (r + 1)): subset = positive_full_set[start_idx:start_idx + r] pos_inst = positive_full_set[start_idx + r] subsets.append(subset) pos_insts.append(pos_inst) random.shuffle(positive_full_set) pos_pairs_cnt = int(len(subsets) / (neg_sample_size + 1)) neg_pairs_cnt = int(pos_pairs_cnt * neg_sample_size) pos_sip_cnt_sum += pos_pairs_cnt neg_sip_cnt_sum += neg_pairs_cnt sample_size = math.gcd(neg_pairs_cnt, len(negative_pool)) sample_times = int(neg_pairs_cnt / sample_size) neg_insts = [] for _ in range(sample_times): neg_insts.extend(random.sample(negative_pool, sample_size)) for idx, subset in enumerate(subsets): if idx < pos_pairs_cnt: pos = pos_insts[idx] sip_triplets.append([subset, pos, 1]) else: neg = neg_insts[idx - pos_pairs_cnt] sip_triplets.append([subset, neg, 0]) return sip_triplets, pos_sip_cnt_sum, neg_sip_cnt_sum
[docs] def _convert_sip_format_to_tensor(self, max_set_size, batch_set, batch_inst, labels): """ Generate tensors for <set, instance> pairs :param max_set_size: maximum size of "set" in <set, instance> pairs :type max_set_size: int :param batch_set: a list of "sets" in <set, instance> pairs :type batch_set: list :param batch_inst: a list of "instances" in <set, instance> pairs :type batch_inst: list :param labels: a list of labels for each above <set, instance> pair :type labels: list :return: a dict of pytorch tensors representing <set, instance> pairs with their corresponding labels :rtype: dict """ batch_size = len(batch_set) batch_set_tensor = np.zeros([batch_size, max_set_size], for row_id, row in enumerate(batch_set): if len(row) > max_set_size: batch_set_tensor[row_id][:] = row[:max_set_size] else: batch_set_tensor[row_id][:len(row)] = row batch_set_tensor = torch.from_numpy(batch_set_tensor) # (batch_size, max_set_size) batch_inst_tensor = torch.tensor(batch_inst) # (batch_size, ) batch_inst_tensor.unsqueeze_(1) # (batch_size, 1) label_tensor = torch.tensor(labels).unsqueeze(1) return {'set':, 'inst':, 'label':}
[docs] def _generate_negative_samples_within_pool(self, positive_sets, neg_sample_size, remove_pos=True): """ Generate negative samples from vocabulary :param positive_sets: a list of positive sets :type positive_sets: list :param neg_sample_size: negative sampling ratio :type neg_sample_size: int :param remove_pos: whether to remove instances in positive sets from the vocabulary :type remove_pos: bool :return: a list of negative sets :rtype: list """ batch_neg = [] for positive_set in positive_sets: if remove_pos: sample_pool = [ele for ele in self.vocab if ele not in positive_set] else: sample_pool = self.vocab if neg_sample_size <= len(sample_pool): neg = random.sample(sample_pool, neg_sample_size) else: repeat_time = int(neg_sample_size / len(sample_pool)) neg = sample_pool.copy() * repeat_time remaining_num = neg_sample_size - len(sample_pool) * repeat_time neg += random.sample(sample_pool, remaining_num) batch_neg.append(neg) return batch_neg