data loader¶
dataloader.element_set module¶
(name, data_format, options, raw_data_strings=None)[source]¶ Bases:
Dataset Object
Parameters: - name (str) – dataset name
- data_format (str) – dataset format, either “set” or “sip”
- options (dict) – dataset parameters, including two dicts mapping element to element index
- raw_data_strings (list) –
a list of strings representing an element set.
- If data_format is “set”, each string is of format “c0 {‘d93’, ‘d377’, ‘d141’, ‘d63’, ‘d166’}”.
- If data_format is “sip”, each string is of format “{‘d93’, ‘d377’} d141 0”.
(raw_sets, pos_strategy, neg_strategy, neg_sample_size=10, subset_size=5, max_set_size=50)[source]¶ Generate <set, instance> pairs (sip) from a collection of sets
Parameters: - raw_sets (list) – a list of sets
- pos_strategy (str) – name of positive sampling method
- neg_strategy (str) – name of negative sampling method
- neg_sample_size (int) – negative sampling ratio
- subset_size (int) – size of “set” in <set, instance> pairs, used only in “fix_size_repeat_set” pos_strategy
- max_set_size (int) – maximum size of “set” in <set, instance> pairs, used only in “vary_size_enumerate” pos_strategy
Returns: len(raw_sets) * (1 + neg_sample_size) sips, among which len(raw_sets) sips are positive and len(raw_sets) * neg_sample_size sips are negative
Return type: list
- if pos_strategy is “sample_size_repeat_set”, for each original set, we sample the size of “set” in sip, repeat this generated set neg_sample_size times, and pair them with each negative instance. This is the strategy to original AAAI submission.
- if pos_strategy is “sample_size_random_set”, for each original set, we sample one size of “set” in sip, and generate one set for each negative instance.
- if pos_strategy is “fix_size_repeat_set”, for each original set, we use pre-determined subset size to generate one “set” in sip, repeat this generated set neg_sample_size times, and pair them with each negative instance. This is the one used in cold-start training.
- if pos_strategy is “vary_size_enumerate”, for each original set and for each subset size less than max_set_size, we enumerate the original set and generate all possible sips. This is the one used for converting test_set in “set” format to “sip” format.
- if pos_strategy is “vary_size_enumerate_with_full_set”, it’s basically same as the “vary_size_enumerate” strategy, except that it will also generate full set with only negative instances
- if pos_strategy is “vary_size_enumerate_with_full_set_plus_group_id”, it’s basically same as the “vary_size_enumerate_with_full_set” strategy, expect that it will also return the group id of each sip the group id is this sip’s corresponding raw set index
- if pos_strategy is “enumerate”, this is the one used for pre-generating sip triplets
(max_set_size, batch_set, batch_inst, labels)[source]¶ Generate tensors for <set, instance> pairs
Parameters: - max_set_size (int) – maximum size of “set” in <set, instance> pairs
- batch_set (list) – a list of “sets” in <set, instance> pairs
- batch_inst (list) – a list of “instances” in <set, instance> pairs
- labels (list) – a list of labels for each above <set, instance> pair
Returns: a dict of pytorch tensors representing <set, instance> pairs with their corresponding labels
Return type: dict
(positive_sets, neg_sample_size, remove_pos=True)[source]¶ Generate negative samples from vocabulary
Parameters: - positive_sets (list) – a list of positive sets
- neg_sample_size (int) – negative sampling ratio
- remove_pos (bool) – whether to remove instances in positive sets from the vocabulary
Returns: a list of negative sets
Return type: list
(raw_set_strings)[source]¶ Initialize dataset from a collection of strings representing element sets
Parameters: raw_set_strings (list) – a list of strings representing element sets Returns: None Return type: None
(raw_set_instance_strings)[source]¶ Initialize dataset from a collection of strings representing <set, instance> pairs
Parameters: raw_set_instance_strings (list) – a list of strings representing <set instance> pairs Returns: None Return type: None
(max_set_size=5, batch_size=32)[source]¶ Generate one testing batch of <set, instance> pairs
Parameters: - max_set_size (int) – maximum size of set S
- batch_size (int) – number of <set, instance> pairs in one batch
Returns: a testing batch containing “batch_size” <set, instance> pairs
Return type: dict
(max_set_size=100, pos_sample_method='sample_size_random_set', neg_sample_size=1, neg_sample_method='complete_random', batch_size=32)[source]¶ Generate one training batch of <set, instance> pairs
Parameters: - max_set_size (int) – maximum size of set S
- pos_sample_method (str) – name of positive sampling method
- neg_sample_size (int) – number of negative samples for each set
- neg_sample_method (str) – name of negative sampling method
- batch_size (int) – number of sets in one batch
Returns: a training batch containing “batch_size * (1+neg_sample_size)” <set, instance> pairs
Return type: dict
(params)[source]¶ Bases:
Synonym Set Prediction Model (SSPM), namely SynSetMine
Parameters: params (dict) – a dictionary containing all model specifications -
(set_tensor)[source]¶ Return the quality score of a batch of sets
Parameters: set_tensor (tensor) – sets to be scored, size: (batch_size, max_set_size) Returns: scores of all sets, size: (batch_size, 1) Return type: tensor
(params)[source]¶ Initialize model components
Parameters: params (dict) – a dictionary containing all model specifications Returns: None Return type: None
(batch_set_tensor, batch_inst_tensor)[source]¶ Make set instance pair prediction
Parameters: - batch_set_tensor (tensor) – packed sets in a collection of <set, instance> pairs, size: (batch_size, max_set_size)
- batch_inst_tensor (tensor) – packed instances in a collection of <set, instance> pairs, size: (batch_size, 1)
Returns: - scores of packed sets, (batch_size, 1)
- scores of packed sets union with corresponding instances, (batch_size, 1)
- the probability of adding the instance into the corresponding set, (batch_size, 1)
Return type: tuple
cluster predictor¶
(model, sets, instance, size_optimized=False)[source]¶ Apply the given model to predict the probabilities of adding that one instance into each of the given sets
Parameters: - model (SSPM) – a trained SynSetMine model
- sets (list) – a list of sets, each contain the element index
- instance (int) – a single instance, represented by the element index
- size_optimized (bool) – whether to optimize the multiple-set-single-instance prediction process. If the size of each set in the given ‘sets’ varies a lot and there exists a single huge set in the given ‘sets’, set this parameter to be True
Returns: - scores of given sets, (batch_size, 1)
- scores of given sets union with the instance, (batch_size, 1)
- the probability of adding the instance into the corresponding set, (batch_size, 1)
Return type: tuple
(model, vocab, threshold=0.5, eid2ename=None, size_opt_clus=False, max_K=None, verbose=False)[source]¶ Set Generation Algorithm
Parameters: - model (SSPM) – a trained set-instance classifier
- vocab (list) – a list of elements to be clustered, each element is represented by its index
- threshold (float) – the probability threshold for determine whether to create new singleton cluster
- eid2ename (dict) – a dictionary mapping element index to its corresponding (human-readable) name
- size_opt_clus (bool) – a flag indicating whether to optimize the multiple-set-single-instance prediction process
- max_K (int) – maximum number of clusters, If None, we will infer this number automatically
- verbose (bool) – whether to print out all intermediate results
Returns: a list of detected clusters
Return type: list
(weight_nm)[source]¶ Calculate maximum weighted matching score
Parameters: weight_nm (list) – a similarity matrix Returns: weighted matching score Return type: float
(tp, fp, fn)[source]¶ Calculate precision, recall, and f1 score
Parameters: - tp (int) – true positive number
- fp (int) – false positive number
- fn (int) – false negative number
Returns: (precision, recall, f1 score)
Return type: tuple
(groundtruth, result)[source]¶ Evaluate the maximum weighted jaccard matching of groundtruth clustering and predicted clustering
Parameters: - groundtruth (list) – a list of element lists representing the ground truth clustering
- result (list) – a list of element lists representing the model predicted clustering
Returns: best matching score
Return type: float
(cls_pred, cls_true)[source]¶ Evaluate clustering results
Parameters: - cls_pred (list) – a list of element lists representing model predicted clustering
- cls_true (list) – a list of element lists representing the ground truth clustering
Returns: a dictionary of clustering evaluation metrics
Return type: dict
(model, dataset)[source]¶ Evaluate model on the given dataset for set-instance pair prediction task
Parameters: - model (SSPM) – a trained set-instance classifier
- dataset (ElementSet) – an ElementSet dataset with
Returns: a dictionary of set-instance pair prediction metrics
Return type: dict
(filename)[source]¶ Bases:
A result class for saving results to file
Parameters: filename (str) – name of result saving file -
(hyperparams, metrics)[source]¶ Save model hyper-parameters and evaluation results to the file
Parameters: - hyperparams (dict) – a dictionary of model hyper-parameters, keyed with the hyper-parameter names
- metrics (Metrics) – a Metrics object containg all model evaluation results
Returns: None
Return type: None
(args)[source]¶ Check whether the model architecture is consistent with the loss function used
Parameters: args (dict) – a dictionary containing all model specifications Returns: a flag indicating whether the model architecture is consistent with the loss function, if not, also return the error message Return type: a tuple of (bool, str)
(file_path)[source]¶ Return the number of lines in the file without actually reading them into the memory. Used together with tqdm for tracking file reading progress.
with open(inputFile, "r") as fin: for line in tqdm(fin, total=get\_num\_lines(inputFile)): ...
Parameters: file_path (str) – path of input file Returns: number of lines in the file Return type: int
(model, optimizer, load_dir, load_prefix, step)[source]¶ Load model checkpoint (including trained model, training epoch, and optimizer) from a file
- The loaded model and optimizer are initially on CPU and need to be explicitly moved to GPU c.f.
- You need to first initialize a model which has the same architecture/size of the model to be loaded.
Parameters: - model (torch.nn) – a model which has the same architecture of the model to be loaded
- optimizer (torch.optim) – a pytorch optimizer
- load_dir (str) – model save directory
- load_prefix (str) – model snapshot prefix
- step (int) – model training epoch
Returns: None
Return type: None
(fi, embed_name='word2vec')[source]¶ Load pre-trained embedding from file
Parameters: - fi (str) – embedding file name
- embed_name (str) – embedding format, currently only supports “word2vec” format embedding. c.f.:
Returns: - embedding : embedding file
- index2word: map from element index to element
- word2index: map from element to element index
- vocab_size: size of element pool
- embed_dim: embedding dimension
Return type: (gensim.KeyedVectors, list, dict, int, int)
(model, load_dir, load_prefix, steps)[source]¶ load model from file
Note: You need to first initialize a model which has the same architecture/size of the model to be loaded.
Parameters: - model (torch.nn) – a model which has the same architecture of the model to be loaded
- load_dir (str) – model save directory
- load_prefix (str) – model snapshot prefix
- steps (int) – model training epoch
Returns: None
Return type: None
(fi)[source]¶ Load raw data from file
Parameters: fi (str) – data file name Returns: a list of raw data from file Return type: list
(name='', log_path='./')[source]¶ Create a python logger
Parameters: - name (str) – logger name
- log_path (str) – path for saving logs
Returns: a logger for logging messages
Return type: python logger
(args, interested_args='all')[source]¶ Print arguments in command line
Parameters: - args (Namespace) – parsed command line argument
- interested_args (list) – a list of interested argument names
Returns: None
Return type: None
(model, optimizer, save_dir, save_prefix, step)[source]¶ Save model checkpoint (including trained model, training epoch, and optimizer) to a file
Parameters: - model (torch.nn) – a trained model
- optimizer (torch.optim) – a pytorch optimizer
- save_dir (str) – model save directory
- save_prefix (str) – model snapshot prefix
- step (int) – model training epoch
Returns: None
Return type: None