Source code for model

.. module:: model
    :synopsis: core SynSetMine model

.. moduleauthor:: Jiaming Shen
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
import numpy as np
import zoo
import math
from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix

[docs]def initialize_weights(moduleList, itype="xavier"): """ Initialize a list of modules :param moduleList: a list of nn.modules :type moduleList: list :param itype: name of initialization method :type itype: str :return: None :rtype: None """ assert itype == 'xavier', 'Only Xavier initialization supported' for moduleId, module in enumerate(moduleList): if hasattr(module, '_modules') and len(module._modules) > 0: # Iterate again initialize_weights(module, itype) else: # Initialize weights name = type(module).__name__ # If linear or embedding if name == 'Embedding' or name == 'Linear': fanIn = fanOut = factor = math.sqrt(2.0/(fanIn + fanOut)) weight = torch.randn(fanIn, fanOut) * factor # Check for bias and reset if hasattr(module, 'bias') and hasattr(module.bias, 'data'):
[docs]class SSPM(nn.Module): """ Synonym Set Prediction Model (SSPM), namely SynSetMine :param params: a dictionary containing all model specifications :type params: dict """ def __init__(self, params): super(SSPM, self).__init__() self.initialize(params) if params['loss_fn'] == "cross_entropy": self.criterion = nn.NLLLoss() elif params['loss_fn'] == "max_margin": self.criterion = nn.MultiMarginLoss(margin=params['margin']) elif params['loss_fn'] in ["margin_rank", "self_margin_rank"]: self.criterion = nn.MarginRankingLoss(margin=params['margin']) elif params['loss_fn'] == "self_margin_rank_bce": self.criterion = nn.BCEWithLogitsLoss() # TODO: avoid the following self.params = params self.params = params # transfer parameters to self, therefore we have self.modelName for key, val in self.params.items(): setattr(self, key, val) self.temperature = params["T"] # use for temperature scaling
[docs] def initialize(self, params): """ Initialize model components :param params: a dictionary containing all model specifications :type params: dict :return: None :rtype: None """ modelParts = zoo.select_model(params) flags = ['node_embedder', 'node_postEmbedder', 'node_pooler', 'edge_embedder', 'edge_postEmbedder', 'edge_pooler', 'combiner', 'scorer'] # refine flags for flag in flags: if flag not in modelParts: print('Missing: %s' % flag) else: setattr(self, flag, modelParts[flag]) # define node transform as composition self.nodeTransform = lambda x: self.node_postEmbedder(self.node_embedder(x)) self.edgeTransform = lambda x: self.edge_postEmbedder(self.edge_embedder(x)) # Initialize the parameters with xavier method modules = ['node_embedder', 'node_postEmbedder', 'edge_embedder', 'edge_postEmbedder', 'combiner', 'scorer'] modules = [getattr(self, mod) for mod in modules if hasattr(self, mod)] initialize_weights(modules, 'xavier') if params['pretrained_embedding'] != "none": pretrained_embedding = params['embedding'].vectors padding_embedding = np.zeros([1, pretrained_embedding.shape[1]]) pretrained_embedding = np.row_stack([padding_embedding, pretrained_embedding]) if params['embed_fine_tune'] == 0: # fix embedding without fine-tune self.node_embedder.weight.requires_grad = False
[docs] def _set_scorer(self, set_tensor): """ Return the quality score of a batch of sets :param set_tensor: sets to be scored, size: (batch_size, max_set_size) :type set_tensor: tensor :return: scores of all sets, size: (batch_size, 1) :rtype: tensor """ # Element encoding mask = (set_tensor != 0).float().unsqueeze_(-1) # (batch_size, max_set_size, 1) setEmbed = self.nodeTransform(set_tensor) * mask # Set encoding by pooling element representations setEmbed = self.node_pooler(setEmbed, dim=1) # (batch_size, node_hiddenSize) # Set scoring based on set encoding, possibly conditioned on current set size setScores = self.scorer(setEmbed) # (batch_size, 1) return setScores
[docs] def train_step(self, train_batch): """ Train the model on the given train_batch :param train_batch: a dictionary containing training batch in <set, instance> pair format :type train_batch: dict :return: batch_loss, true_positive_num, false_positive_num, false_negative_num, true_positive_num :rtype: tuple """ # obtain set quality scores mask = (train_batch['set'] != 0).float().unsqueeze_(-1) setEmbed = self.nodeTransform(train_batch['set']) * mask setEmbed = self.node_pooler(setEmbed, dim=1) # (batch_size, node_hiddenSize) setScores = self.scorer(setEmbed) # (batch_sizeļ¼Œ 1) # obtain set union instance quality scores instEmbed = self.nodeTransform(train_batch['inst']).squeeze(1) # (batch_size, node_hiddenSize) setInstSumScores = self.scorer(setEmbed + instEmbed) # (batch_size, 1) # calculate score differences for model update score_diff = (setInstSumScores - setScores) # (batch_size, 1) score_diff = score_diff.squeeze(-1) # (batch_size, ) score_diff /= self.temperature # temperature scaling target = train_batch['label'].squeeze(-1).float() # (batch_size, ) loss = self.criterion(score_diff, target) loss.backward() # return additional target information of current batch, this may slow down model training y_true = target.cpu().numpy() y_pred = (score_diff > 0.0).squeeze().cpu().numpy() tn, fp, fn, tp = confusion_matrix(y_true, y_pred, labels=[0, 1]).ravel() return loss.item(), tn, fp, fn, tp
[docs] def predict(self, batch_set_tensor, batch_inst_tensor): """ Make set instance pair prediction :param batch_set_tensor: packed sets in a collection of <set, instance> pairs, size: (batch_size, max_set_size) :type batch_set_tensor: tensor :param batch_inst_tensor: packed instances in a collection of <set, instance> pairs, size: (batch_size, 1) :type batch_inst_tensor: tensor :return: - scores of packed sets, (batch_size, 1) - scores of packed sets union with corresponding instances, (batch_size, 1) - the probability of adding the instance into the corresponding set, (batch_size, 1) :rtype: tuple """ setScores = self._set_scorer(batch_set_tensor) setInstSumScores = self._set_scorer([batch_inst_tensor, batch_set_tensor], dim=1)) setInstSumScores /= self.temperature setScores /= self.temperature prediction = F.sigmoid(setInstSumScores - setScores) return setScores, setInstSumScores, prediction
[docs] def _get_test_sip_batch_size(self, x): if len(x) <= 1000: return len(x) elif len(x) > 1000 and (len(x) <= 1000 * 1000): return len(x) / 1000 else: return 1000